Your Venue Search Checklist.
A venue search is the most time consuming part of your wedding planning, searching the web for hours trying to find your perfect venue. With so many directories, websites and Instagram pages to scroll through it can feel like you will never find your perfect venue. Whilst this is something I weirdly enjoy when working with my couples as it is generally the first time we are working together and it allows me to really get to know their likes and dislikes very quickly!
When I attend venue viewings with my clients I take a checklist with me that has all the questions I would need to ask the venue about the clients wedding, so that I can make sure that I have got every piece of information I need when I leave. Not to mention vital details like the contact information and a rough quote so that once we have finished viewing all the venues I can find the information for each venue easily.
As its my birthday weekend I'm feeling generous and are gifting you with my venue checklist that I use with my couples. I hope it helps with your venue viewing and may provide you with some questions you haven't thought about asking.
If you would like some help with your venue search please feel free to get in touch! I would LOVE to help you out and relive your wedding planning stress and worry!
Or if you would like to have a browse at some of the venues in your local area and get an idea of whats available and decide which style of venue you would like for your wedding day, why not have a look at some online wedding directories such as For Better For Worse.
