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How to transform your postponed Spring/Summer wedding to Winter.

Never did anyone think that in the first 6 months of 2020 we would spend 3 of them in lockdown due to a global pandemic! COVID-19 has had a massive impact on so many industries and companies and has resulted in pretty much every event being cancelled or postponed. Unfortunately the wedding industry has been hugely impacted by the virus and is likely to not see weddings take place as we would know them this year at all. Which makes for an extremely busy 2021 trying to fit two wedding seasons into one! However I want to turn this post into a positive one, and for those couples that have sadly had to postpone their weddings to later in the year I wanted to show you some easy ways to change your already planned Spring/Summer wedding into fabulous Winter one!



If you found your dream dress that is perfect for a spring/summer wedding and is maybe strapless or sleeveless this doesn’t mean you cant wear it for a winter wedding. There is no need to buy another dress…unless you want to of course! Your dress shop/designer may be able to adapt your dress for you and add sleeves or you can add a lace top. There are lots of options out there now for ways to change up your dress and add move cover if you think you would need it. Also don’t forget about your bridesmaids, it is likely they will only need some warmth at the start of the day when is colder (everyone will warm up once they have eaten and on the dancefloor) So maybe get some faux fur shawls or scarf for them to wrap around their shoulders if they would feel more comfortable. As the Groom and Ushers are likely to be in suits already they shouldn’t need to be adapted, however if for any reason they have a lighter material suit such as linen as they were envisioning a very hot day this may need to be looked at and see if you can get a slightly heavier material to keep the warmth in.

Also dont forget about your hair and makeup , you may be more than happy to keep your dewy natural makeup for your wedding day but speak to your makeup artist and see if they will be able to use a slightly more moisturising products for the colder weather. However, if you are wanting to change up your look for your new wedding date why not go for a darker or bolder lip with a slightly darker eye. See if you can book in another trial (when safe to do so!) and play around with winter looks!


You may have planned the most gorgeous summer menu which now wont work for your winter wedding. Speak to your caterer when you can to see what can be changed to make the menu more seasonal without too much hassle as you would have already had your guests menu choices and dietary requirements back. It could be as easily as simply changing the sauce on a main course to a richer sauce instead of a light summer style and maybe serving a hot starter and dessert instead of a cold one. Also think about your drinks reception, you may have to go from serving Pimm’s to Mulled Wine or Baileys or even Espresso Martinis! In the evening why not add to the coffee service and do hot chocolate option or bar where you can add different toppings. There is lots of different ideas you can play around with for the catering for winter weddings so have fun with it!


Before you go back to the drawing board with your flowers there are simple and easy ways to change your spring/summer florals to winter designs. Start off with speaking to your florist and see what their recommendations are for flowers that will be in season and are aroundde the same cost as the ones you are currently using. You can easily swap out some spring white florals for darker colours or change up your foliage to winter foliage and maybe think about adding thistles or holly instead. There a lot of options and your florist will be getting lots of questions like this so before you think you need to scrap it all and start again ask for help! You never know you may end up cutting costs!


One thing to remember is the sun sets a lot earlier in the winter! So if you are working with a planner make sure you work with them to juggle around the timings and move things around if needed to make sure that you have the light when you need it, for example for setting up and photos! Also make sure you speak to your photographer/videographer as soon as possible to work out the best times for the lighting for any outside photographs you are wanting!


Fairy lights are an instant way to make your wedding have that winter feel and not at a big expense! See if you can get them going across the ceiling or draped around some of the venue features to had that winter sparkle. Also maybe change up your flip flops to slippers and blankets and why not go out with a bang and have an amazing sparkler photo to end an amazing day!

These are some easy ways to change up your wedding from spring/summer to winter. I know it wasn’t what you were planning and COVID-19 has thrown a massive spanner in the works for so many couples and we can only hope this will be over soon and we will be able to go back to normal and have the celebrations we have all planned!

Please remember to speak to your supplier as soon as you can about your winter wedding. Your suppliers will have more than likely worked with you on your wedding for a long time and know what would be easiest to change up and at what cost. Your suppliers are there for you and now more than ever they need your support, reach out and speak to them about your wedding and get excited about your wedding again!


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